Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WebMD Interactive Portion Control Tutorial

WebMD offers a free online visual of healthy portion sizes.  This is a wonderful website to view.  Check it out.  It's Free!

For the website click here:  WebMD Healthy Portion Size Plate

Kids Portion Control Plates

Let's not forget our children!  I love these colorful plates. 

View Kid & Adult Portion Plates click:  The Portion Plate

Healthy Portion Plates with Adorable Designs

I just love the Healthy Portion Plate.  They have a few designs to choose from.  Some are on sale for only $4.95.  That is by far the best deal I have seen so far when it comes to portion control plates!

Check out the website here:  Healthy Portion Plates

The Complete DishDiet Plan

The Complete Dish Diet Plan is a set of 9 dishes that help aide in healthy portion sizes.

For more information click Dish Diet website

Portion Size On the Go!!! Spark People

This is a great set for measuring portion sizes. 
Click:  Spark People Website

USDA Food Pyramid gone Portion Plate In!!!

The USDA is adopting a Portion Plate.  The plate shows grains, dairy, protein, vegetables, and fruits.

To read an article about the new plate click:  Huffington Post Article