Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Getting Healthy and Losing Weight with a Portion Plate

It's that time of year.  The Holiday season is coming upon us and it's time to focus on portion control.  Why start on January 1st?  Instead of going to steps back, give yourself a jump start into weight loss and eating healthy.

Here's a picture of a portion plate and a regular plate.  Click:  portion plate

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WebMD Interactive Portion Control Tutorial

WebMD offers a free online visual of healthy portion sizes.  This is a wonderful website to view.  Check it out.  It's Free!

For the website click here:  WebMD Healthy Portion Size Plate

Kids Portion Control Plates

Let's not forget our children!  I love these colorful plates. 

View Kid & Adult Portion Plates click:  The Portion Plate

Healthy Portion Plates with Adorable Designs

I just love the Healthy Portion Plate.  They have a few designs to choose from.  Some are on sale for only $4.95.  That is by far the best deal I have seen so far when it comes to portion control plates!

Check out the website here:  Healthy Portion Plates

The Complete DishDiet Plan

The Complete Dish Diet Plan is a set of 9 dishes that help aide in healthy portion sizes.

For more information click Dish Diet website

Portion Size On the Go!!! Spark People

This is a great set for measuring portion sizes. 
Click:  Spark People Website

USDA Food Pyramid gone Portion Plate In!!!

The USDA is adopting a Portion Plate.  The plate shows grains, dairy, protein, vegetables, and fruits.

To read an article about the new plate click:  Huffington Post Article